use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later

use scripting additions

set myEmacsclient to "~/Documents/Repositories/emacs/nextstep/"

# create file in Finder

tell application "Finder"


set myFolder to (the target of the front Finder window) as alias

on error


end try

set myFileName to name of myFolder

display dialog ¬

"New text file name:" default answer myFileName & ".org" buttons {"Cancel", "Create"} ¬

default button 2

set myFileName to text returned of result

if exists file myFileName of myFolder then

display alert ¬

"A file named ‘" & myFileName & "’ already exists in this folder." as informational


end if

set myPath to ((POSIX path of myFolder) & myFileName)

do shell script "touch " & quoted form of myPath

#open file in Emacs

display dialog ¬

"Open file with Emacs?" buttons {"Yes", "Cancel"} ¬

default button 1

if button returned of result is "Yes" then


tell application "System Events" to tell process "Emacs" to set frontmost to true

on error

tell application "/Users/suzume/Documents/Code/emacs/nextstep/"


delay 1

end tell

end try

set selectedFile to myPath

set myCommand to myEmacsclient & " -n -e \"(find-file " & "\\\"" & selectedFile & "\\\"" & ")\""

do shell script myCommand

end if

end tell